Monday, February 23, 2009

Daily Dose & Hunts

The offering for today (23rd) from Lemania Indigo Designs is a chic' pants outfit: Urban Mod. ($1 - F- outfit -

Lemania Indigo Designs Feb 23

The earrings peaking through my hair are just one of many $1 samples from Chloe. ($1 - F - Jewelry -

Hair from Adora found is a Valentine's present so I'm unsure of how much longer this will be available. ($0/1? - F - Hair -

There is a hunt going on at the Oak Tree Shoppes. You'll be searching for Mardi Gras masks and you have until the 27th to complete the hunt. There are lots of home decor items, but also a killer period dress from Vintage Clothing Reproductions by Skye Qi along with a shirt and vest meant for kids (I stretched it.). ($0 - ?# - home & clothing items -

Mardi Gras Hunt _ Oak Tree Shops

I've written about both skins shown in this post before, but both are worth mentioing again. The 'adult' skin is from RockBerry's lucky board. (Lucky Board - F - Skin -

The 'child' skin is from Utsuku City (a camping sim). The skin comes with a shape. You'll have to join the Utsuku City Members group and sit for 10 minutes in the chair with the "Ami" flag. (10 min. camp - F - skin -

You'll notice that 3 of the shops in Oak Tree Shopping area are also participating in the Kid's Grid Wide Hunt. You may want to pick up these too, the bear from Vintage Clothing Reproduction contains both a child's and adult's dress in it. ($0 - children's items -

Kid's Gridwide Hunt _ Oak Tree Shops

Pictures taken at the Oak Tree Shopping area. Preset used [TOR] das fog.

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